Norma Ojeda
Professor Emerita
Office: NH-223
Email: [email protected]
I earned a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Texas at Austin. I have a M.A. degree in Demography from El Colegio de Mexico and a B.A. in sociology from The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). My areas of expertise are: sociology and demography of the family, gender and women’s reproductive health. My research focuses on the family, populations and reproductive health of Mexican women and Latinas along the U.S.-Mexico border area. I have more than 60 publications that include articles and chapters published in specialized journals and books in the United States, Mexico, Spain, Chile and Venezuela. The titles of two of my most recent publications are “Living Together without Being Married" and “Divorce and Separation in Mexico at the onset of the New Millennium" (Divorcio y Separación en México al Inicio del Nuevo Milenio). Before coming to SDSU, I hold several academic positions in UNAM and el Colegio de la Frontera Norte. I have served as volunteer in community organizations working on reproductive health issues in both the United States and Mexico.
One of my principal goals at San Diego State University is to strengthen the areas of sociology of the family, population studies, women’s reproductive health, and the U.S.-Mexico cross-border demographics.