Department of Sociology
Improving Human Well-Being by Investigating Social Inequalities
Announcements + News
Q&A: Skateboarding at the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics
Assistant professor of sociology Neftalie Williams discusses the significance of skateboarding’s inclusion in the Games and its impact on society.
Fulbright Awarded
We are proud to announce that Charlene Holkenbrink-Monk was selected as a Fulbright U.S. Scholar for 2024-2025. She will be performing postdoctoral research at the University of Malaga in Spain.
Important Links
Center for Community Research and Engagement
The CCRE promotes community-based projects through applied research in order to explore
ways to improve well-being. Visit the CCRE website.
The department publishes Mobilization: An International Quarterly, a leading research journal in social movements and protest. Visit the Mobilization website.
Surf/Skate Studies Collaborative (SSSC)
The collaborative includes new courses for SDSU students, a biennial conference, a
new international journal, and a variety of community outreach projects. Visit the SSSC website.
Center for Skateboarding, Action Sports & Social Change
Coming soon! The center will promote evidence-based, academic research on the global
impact of skateboarding and other action sports. Visit the Center website.
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